Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to Detoxify Naturally From Lexapro & Seroquel

It's been 3 weeks since I've taken the Seroquel and I am still experiencing withdrawal symptoms. I have anxiety, nausea, headaches, twitching and I am having trouble sleeping.  I am going out for a long walk. I must stay active even though I want to go back to bed and stay there. If there is a body of water that is blocked it becomes stagnant. If water is allowed to flow in and out it remains clear. Motion is one of the keys to good health.
Lexapro and Seroquel are both anti-psychotic drugs, available only by prescription. Lexapro is usually prescribed for anxiety and panic disorders, while Seroquel is prescribed for bipolar disorder. Both drugs have a long list of side effects and can become habit-forming or require increases in dosages to remain effective. Withdrawal from either of these drugs difficult, producing side effects as well as the possible return of the original symptoms. Please reduce your dosages under a doctor's care.



Things You'll Need

  • Educational materials
  • Ibuprofen (Advil)
  • SamE and/or St. John's Wort tincture
  • Inositol
  • Choline
  • Green "superfoods" in a nutritional yeast base
  • Lecithin
  • White Chestnut Bach Flower Remedy
  • Carlson's Omega 3 Fish Liver Oil
  • Magnesium citrate
  • Primal Defense
  • Cherry Plum Bach Flower Remedy
  • Noni juice
  • A "high raw" vegan/vegetarian diet
  • Ashwaganda herb
  • Raw garlic
  • Calcium-magnesium-vitamin D supplement
  • CLA
  • Protein powder
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Appointment for a physical with your health care provider
  • Spiral bound notebook
  1. Get Prepared

    • 1
      Read all you can about withdrawing from SSRIs and other anti-depressant drugs.
    • 2
      Order supplements:
      Ibuprofen (Advil) for headaches and brain "zaps"
      SamE and/or St. John's Wort tincture to elevate mood
      Inositol for anxiety
      Choline for energy and memory
      Green "superfoods" for energy (B vitamins) and general health
      Lecithin for muscle spasms
      White Chestnut Bach Flower Remedy for anxiety and OCD
      Carlson's Omega 3 Fish Liver Oil for brain health and depression
      Magnesium citrate for anxiety
      Primal Defense for probiotics
      Cherry Plum Bach Flower Remedy for hopelessness or self-destruction
      Noni juice for depersonalization
      Ashwaganda herb for adrenal support
      Raw garlic for antibiotics
      Calcium-magnesium-vitamin D for proper calcium absorption
      CLA for weight loss and building muscle
      Protein powder such as Sun Warrior
      Vitamin C and E for antioxidants
    • 3
      Schedule a complete physical so you will have a baseline of health to track and follow.
      Discuss tapering off your medications with your doctor.


    • 1
      Get supplements ready.
    • 2
      Make out a daily schedule for when you plan to take your supplements and how you plan to take your supplements at work.
    • 3
      Start a daily journal to chart your progress.
      Record emotions, physical symptoms, energy changes in your journal.
      If you experience any positive changes as you add supplements, continue at that amount.
      Bring this journal to every doctor visit.
    • 4
      Discontinue any recreational drugs or alcohol.
      Do not discontinue coffee at the beginning of the program, as it has its own withdrawal symptoms.
    • 5
      If you are exercising already, continue.
      If you are not exercising now, add a daily walk, but hold off on any vigorous exercise for now.
    • 6
      Begin eating a balanced "high raw" vegan/vegetarian diet, such as the vegetarian version of "The Eat-Clean Diet."
    • 7
      Begin taking supplements, one at a time.
      Add a new one every four to five days.
      Note any positive changes in your journal.
      Feel free to increase recommended dosages as your body may need more.
      Go back to the recommended dosage if you begin to feel worse.


    • 1
      Fully complete the pre-taper process.
      This may take a month or longer.
    • 2
      Reduce your dosage of Lexapro and Seroquel under your doctor's supervision.
    • 3
      Continue slowly reducing your dosages over time.
      Continue taking supplements.
      Continue positive lifestyle changes.

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Tips & Warnings

  • Psychologist Donald E. McAlpine, M.D., of the Mayo Clinic, says, "It's important to taper off slowly, extending the taper over several weeks under your physician's direction. When you stop too quickly, you may experience so-called 'discontinuation symptoms,' which can masquerade as relapse."
  • Please do not attempt to reduce any prescription medication except under the care of your medical doctor or other trusted health care professional.
  • This information has not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. It is intended for educational purposes only, and does not intend to cure, heal, treat or aid any disease or illness. Please consult a trusted health care professional before attempting any form of self health care.


  1. Hi,
    You visited my blog and asked if I'm still here.
    Here I am. :)
    Hard job withdrawing Seroquel.
    SLOWLY>>> VERY SLOWLY..... more slowly than some doctors say.

    1. I have been tapering from 300mg a day.. i was down to 25mg a day and ran out. I was not consulting with my dr as he retired and I did not get a new dr. Last dose was 6-8 weeks ago .. it has been a nightmre.
